summer pet travel.

For many pets, the idea of “traveling” concerns going to the vet or the pet store. Other pets belong to owners with long-distance goals in mind. Whether traveling on ground or in the air, pet safety must remain priority number one. When their comfort and well-being are the focus during the planning stages, you can all enjoy the trip to the fullest. 

Travel Documents

In your pet’s travel folder, we recommend having the following documents on hand:

  • Their travel certificate, if traveling outside of Florida (we can help you fill this out)
  • Proof of vaccinations and parasite prevention medication
  • A list of prescription medicines
  • Health history
  • Microchip ID #
  • Recent printed photographs that can be used to prove ownership in the case of separation or loss

Please note that the travel certificate necessary for traveling out of state must be filled out by your pet’s veterinarian during a wellness exam. By thoroughly examining your pet, updating their vaccinations, and prescribing parasite prevention medication, we are adhering to the safety standards required to travel.

Making Memories

A pet’s identification is a great place to start travel preparations. Be sure to have back-up ID tags, collars and leashes/harnesses. If it’s been a little while since they were microchipped, check the chip’s manufacturer to update any contact information.

Creature Comforts 

Traveling by air can be very challenging for pets and owners alike. We recommend speaking directly with your airline at the time of booking to ensure your pet can safely ride with you in the cabin, or has the appropriately-sized crate for cargo travel. Red the fine print closely and be prepared for associated fees. 

Getting them used to their travel kennel is critical to their travel success. Introduce the kennel slowly, while reinforcing it as a happy place with treats, toys, and games. Invite them to snuggle inside it with soft bedding. 

Tips for Long Car Trips

Being able to maximize your pet’s safety and enjoyment during long car rides may sound like an exercise in futility, but it can be really fun. Before anything else, invest in the best possible car harness and/or safety straps. These add to feelings of security in the backseat, and reduce the possibility of serious injury.  

  • Have a nice pad or bed just for the car. This can encourage a sense of well-being and comfort in the car, and may increase the likelihood of long naps between stops.
  • Take frequent stops so they can go to the bathroom, exercise, eat, and burn off steam.
  • Anxiety and car sickness are common among traveling pets. We can help you thwart possible issues to these problems at your pet’s wellness exam. 


Wherever your destination, you’ll want to be absolutely sure your pet is welcome on the property. Some hotels or resorts go the extra mile and pamper their pet guests with activities, room features, and delicious food. 

Staying in a stand alone house could be great, especially if there is a fully fenced yard. Even so, take every precaution to ensure that your pet’s safety and security are maintained

Traveling With pets

If you have any questions about traveling with your pet this summer, please call us at (813) 654-6222. Animal Medical Center is always here to help!